Happiness is different for all of us. For you it may be, having a great family, or a great career. Or the freedom to pursue your deepest passions.

Whatever your true definition of happiness is, it can be attained. A few changes over time can help you get there.

Here are 7 secrets on how to live a happy life.

Surround yourself with the right people:

In order to have a happy life, it is important to surround yourself with the right people. People who support you, listen to you, and are excited to grow with you.

Get rid of anyone who brings negativity into your life. Negative energy is contagious, so is important to keep negative people away if you want a happy life. “Surround yourself with good people; surround yourself with positivity and people who are going to challenge you to make you better.” Ali Krieger

Forget what your neighbor is doing:

In order to be truly happy, you have to focus on yourself, and what you are doing. Looking at other people’s progress or lack of, will not get you ahead. Is important to ‘stay in your own lane’, and set goals for yourself, and measure your unique progress. Comparison is the thief of joy, so never compare yourself to others, it will steal your happiness.

Always be working towards something:

The key to happiness, is to always be in a creative state. Or working towards something. Set goals, create a vision for yourself. Working on something keeps you in motion, and happy.

Working toward something, whether is a project, a promotion at work, personal passions, or relationships, empowers you, and gives you something to look forward to. Even if you fail, try again, the process of going after something gives you purpose, and meaning.

Learn to communicate and work on your relationships:

Building good solid relationships can improve your life. We need human contact, to feel happy, and working on your relationships, and building stronger bonds, will improve the quality of your life. Keep in touch, with friends, and family. Learn to communicate well, be empathetic with others.

Put yourself first:

While building relationships, and solid bonds is important. Is also important to put yourself first. Asking yourself ‘what you want?’, ‘what makes you feel good?’, will ultimately result in happier times. Take care of yourself, your health, and mentality so you can be in a better place to be with others.

Learn that happiness is an inside job:

Happiness comes ultimately from within. While we can use all the possible tactics to keep ourselves happy. Is important to know that true happiness comes from within. This means that, we always have to put aside our current circumstances, and try to make the best out of things. Give gratitude, smile, and make the best of your time on earth.

Happiness is a result of being present with ourselves, creating moments, and understanding that we can’t put the power in outside forces to be happy. We have to love ourselves in the present moment. To be happy, is something you choose, or don’t choose each and every moment.

Always see the adventure in everything:

When we are kids, everything is new and exciting. Everything is an adventure. Once we become adults, we begin to see all the work it takes to make things happen on the daily, and because of our busy schedules we no longer see the excitement in those things.

Going to an amusement park, or even a night out with friends seems hectic, and daunting, because it involves getting ready, driving somewhere, and socializing with people after a long day of work. We stop romanizing things, and creating small adventures in our everyday lives, because we are tired, or over worked.

It is important to rewire our lives, by creating mini experiences. Bringing back the fun, the adventure side of everything. Even if you’ve done it before. Romantize everything in your life, from your coffee stop, to your self-care routine each night, to an at home bubble bath with champagne and rose pedals.

Life is about creating our own special moments, because this is it. There’s no reason to wait for a perfect time, everyday is a perfect moment. Because one day you’ll wake up and that special moment you were waiting for may have already passed.

Create mini adventures in your life, just like when you were a kid. Get excited about little things. Create mini vacations and everyday will seem more fun and exciting than the next.

how to live a happy life

Photo by Elaine Tu on Unsplash