13 Self-Care Tips To Keep You Relaxed and Glowing in Stressful Times!

self-care routine

Self-care is extremely important, our lives get busier and busier with day to day activities we forget to take care of the most important person doing them, ourselves.

We sometimes take our health for granted, we forget that stress can add up and disturb many areas of our lives, whether is our relationships, friends, family, or body weight, stress adds up. By the time we notice we feel like its completely out of your hands.

Is great to take time out of our day to do small things for ourselves to bring us back into a relaxing state. Here’s 13 self-care tips and strategies I use to unwind, relax, nurture my surroundings, and grow my goals and the relationship I have with myself.


Best Self-Care Routine and Examples! 


Get enough rest and catch up on your beauty sleep:  

Being deprived of sleep can affect everything in your life, from your skin to your weight and even your mood. I love taking a day or two out of the week to catch up on sleep. I really believe that sleep is important to reducing stress and getting enough sleep can make your skin look and feel beautiful.


Learn to say no:

Sometimes we get overwhelmed with managing our work lives, our family lives, our hobbies and our social lives. We find it hard to say no. Saying no to a friend or a family or coworker helps build character it also helps you focus and manage your time better.

You’re able to focus on what’s important in your life. Learning to say no also adds value to our time, no one wants someone who is easily accessible and available to us.


Create a relaxing at-home ambiance or routine:

Nothing says self-care more than creating a relaxing at home routine for yourself – for me is reading a book, lighting a scented candle and wearing a sheet mask.

This routine puts me in a calm state. For you it can be catching up on your favorite shows while having some of your favorite wine. Or running a bath with your favorite bath bomb.

Putting yourself first and taking “me time” can really help you be more productive in other areas of your life. It’s important to set aside time for yourself and your well-being. You know what they say selfish people live longer!


Exercise often:

Exercise is not only important for your physical health it’s also important for your mood. Exercising releases endorphins these endorphins can put you in a better mood.

Whether is getting to the gym or walking outside 30 minutes of physical activity can really make a difference in your life. This self-care tip is crutial because exercising can get overlooked as we become busier and busier we seem to put it on the back burner.


self-care routine examples


Eat well:

Adding nutrient dense foods into your life can really have a positive effect on your body. Many foods like kale, spinach, blueberries, salmon are filled with nutrients and antioxidants that your body needs. Eating well can be the difference between spending the entire day feeling sluggish or having lots of energy.


Unplug for the day:

Turning off your phone for the day or unplugging from social media can truly help you relax. Spending time alone or with family and friends will help you feel centered and show you the beautiful things in life through your own eyes.

Sometimes focusing on what others are doing can be truly distracting and keep you from enjoying life and reaching your own personal goals. Disconnect for a day and you’ll feel truly refreshed.


Speak to yourself in a positive voice: 

The tone you speak to yourself in can have a positive or negative impact on your life. You wouldn’t speak badly to a friend when they ask you a question or ask for advice, so why speak to yourself in a negative/self harming voice.

Be good to yourself, build up your self talk to be uplifting and motivating. Words are strong and we tend to be our own biggest critic.


Make things around you beautiful: 

Buy yourself flowers for your apartment, decorate it how you like, clean up and organize your space. The space around you can have an impact on your mood and actions and a clean organized space can make you feel happier and more productive.

The moment to live in is now don’t way until tomorrow to make life beautiful around you.

Give life your own meaning. I like to make everything around me pink, use fluffy pens, buy flowers, burn candles and add glitter to every place I touch. I keep my life girly and shiny because it makes me feel good in every way.


Work on that new skill or hobby:

Want to learn a new language? do it. Want to paint? buy supplies. Arts, crafts, do it. Life is about doing what you enjoy and as our day to day responsibilities take a toll on us, we have less and less energy to get into doing things we enjoy. Start a blog or side business you enjoy. Start a blog, online business or get a website using Bluehost for less than $4 a month.

We grow or we die inside. Take time to do what you love, if is for improving as an individual or even if is just to relax and unwind. Don’t wait for permission to do what you like.


Pamper yourself a little bit daily:

This is important because it is such a stress reliever to pamper oneself. Nails, hair or spa, make yourself feel good and take care of your self. Even a sheet mask at home and applying a nighttime moisturizer can increase your mood and help you de-stress.

At-home beauty routine: 5 {Essential} Beauty Treatments You Can Do At Home Right Now!

How to do your nails at home: How To Do Acrylic Nails At Home + The Best Starter Kit

More nail articles: Nail Category


Meditate often:

Meditating is essential for relaxing and quieting the space around you. Do what you can, even if is 5 minutes of silence a couple of times per week can have a positive impact on your stress level. Use a meditating app like Simple Habit or Headspace to help you unwind.


Try essential oils:

Essential Oils can make a room smell amazing and put you in a relaxing state. Oils like lavender, ginger, lemon and many more can help you sleep and are well known for their calming effects.


Visualize and manifest your future:

An important self-care tip is practicing the art of visualizing and manifesting. Visualizing and manifesting are crucial to helping you achieve your goals and living your ideal life. Manifesting using The Law of Attraction is a great way to bring positive thoughts into outcomes.

You are asking the universe for what you want, you are visualizing yourself in those shoes,  doing what it is that you want. This process can help you achieve your goals and ambitions.

Take time during your day to visualize what you want this helps you see it and pushes you to put it together.


‘According to research using brain imagery, visualization works because neurons in our brains, those electrically excitable cells that transmit information, interpret imagery as equivalent to a real-life action. When we visualize an act, the brain generates an impulse that tells our neurons to “perform” the movement. This creates a new neural pathway — clusters of cells in our brain that work together to create memories or learned behaviors — that primes our body to act in a way consistent to what we imagined. All of this occurs without actually performing the physical activity, yet it achieves a similar result. – Frank Niles, Ph.D 


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Photo by Pietra Schwarzler on Unsplash