Here’s How To Do Your Own Fake Nails At Home For Cheap!

easy fake nails

Nails are a big part of looking put together. If you enjoy having nice nails, you know this involves trips to the salon on a weekly or biweekly basis.

I’m a huge fan of acrylic nails, because even after 2 weeks the polish still looks fresh, and I can change lengths at anytime.

The problem that comes with acrylic nails is the refill process, the breakage, and the time it takes. Usually it can be anywhere from 1-2+ hours to get them done.

This summer I’ve experience higher breakage than usual.

That involves walking around without one nail, until the next refill date, or going back to the salon, and sitting through another hour. If you visit a different salon to fix the nail, you might also risk having to change the entire nail polish, because you cant find the matching one from last time.

If you want to learn How To Do Your Own Acrylic Nails at Home, read the latest post: HERE

Aside from it being time consuming, acrylic nails can get expensive .

A new set can range anywhere from $25-$55 every two weeks.

Not including a pedicure, or any designs. Sometimes you can walk out of the nail salon with $80-$110 charge not including tip.

I’m lucky enough to have a super savvy friend who finds joy in new DIY projects. She recently introduced me to a way of doing your nails at home, at a fraction of the price. This is an easy fake nails, at home process that will save you time and money in the long run.

easy fake nails at home

This simple process will save you money over time. Is great for in between salon visits, or if you just want to stop doing acrylics all together.

At a cost $7.99 + $1.99 glue you get over 500 nails, in total you are saving hundreds per year if you switch to doing your nails at home, versus at a nail salon. If you’re a biweekly visitor of a nail salon, you’ll be saving over $900 a year just on nails.

Using this easy fake nail trick is less damaging on your nails versus using acrylic.

easy fake nails

How to apply easy fake nails at home:

Items needed:

easy nails

Click the image below to shop these items on Amazon:

  1. Measure nails
  2. Cut to preferred length
  3. Buff both your nails and the inside of each fake nail for better grip
  4. Apply glue to nails
  5. Apply and press now the nail
  6. Allow to dry
  7. File as desired
  8. Paint and done

These nails can last anywhere from 1-1.5 weeks.

Nail Posts: