Keep Acne Away For Good With These Must Have Exfoliating Acids

High-school is a thing of the past, so we hoped all those puberty problems would also be left behind. Sadly many of us still continue to get acne here and there. Whether is acne at the time of the month, the best way to take care of acne is to prevent it by taking care of the skin. Using the right acids on the skin can help get rid of acne. Acids help exfoliate the skin, get rid of the dead layer of skin and make the turnover of skin happen much faster.  I’ve incorporated two acids over the years that have completely gotten rid of my acne and any new zits that appear. When one zit pops up these products get rid of them immediately. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), and Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs) are extremely powerful and can transform acne prone skin.

Skincare Acids

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs): Glycolic

AHAs acids work by slowly shedding away dead skin. These acids work on the surface. Over time your skin will appear brighter and more even toned. I recently wrote about a product that transformed my skin completely (read here). I use these acids after washing my face, similar to a toner a couple of times per week.

Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs): Salicylic acid

I’ve been using Salicylic acid since high-school, these well known acids get deep down into your pores and exfoliates inside. I remember those Clean and Clear products were all I use before. When I feel a pimple coming in I use a strong salicylic acid product to help zap it right away.  If you get constant acne adding this ingredient to your routine will save you time and energy.