How To Plan Your Day Effectively!

How To Plan Your Day

Planning your day is the most important thing you can do.

Planning your day for 5-10 minutes can help you take control of your life.

Is all about small efforts day to day, that lead to exponential growth.

Every long term goal you want to accomplish must be driven into gear by day to day action.

Organize your days often, and schedule important tasks that are based around your long term goals.

This is the best way to have a productive and meaningful life, where you achieve everything you desire.

How To Plan Your Day

Make a list of all your task and priorities:

Start by making a list of everything you need and want to get done for the day or week.

This can start with setting some overall short or long term goals.

Then work backwards and break those goals down into tasks that will help you reach them.

This can be anything from losing 15 lbs, which would involve incorporating a specific workout routine and diet. Continue planning backwards, with the days you’ll be attending the gym and which days you’ll be meal prepping.

This same technique can be used for any other goals, from saving, to school, to traveling to starting a business.

Sample list of to-do’s:

  • Morning routine
  • Meal prep
  • Budget
  • Check financials
  • Workout
  • Food Shop
  • Plan out monthly blog content
  • Call parents
  • Read emails
  • Get nails done
  • Complete work projects
  • Write blog drafts
  • Plan travel
  • Read

Know your “Why”:

The “Why” behind every task is what will keep you motivated.

Writing down the “Why” is the best way to achieve long term results.

Ask yourself “Why” is it important for me to have a morning routine? why do I workout often? why am I saving and budgeting?. The answers to these “Whys” is what will keep you going.

Write down your “Whys” and make sure they are directly correlated to your goals and the life you want.

Create a plan:

Decide which items on your to-do list are the most important to you.

These items should be priority. Then select a time slot for each item to help you organize your day.

Planning and organizing are key to accomplishing as much as possible in a day.

Using a timer can help you stay on track and not be wasteful with your time.

I love using google calendar and a time blocking clock to work on blog posts, go to the gym and allocate appropriate time to all my tasks.

The to do list will then turn into a schedule.

Not all things will be accomplished that day so anything that falls in the back burner can be completed the next day.

Schedule all important tasks from beginning to end. As well as use a timer to not go over the time.

Making progress is the goal and every small completed task should be celebrated because is slowly bringing you closer to your goals.

Photo by Christiann Koepke on Unsplash