How To Decompress And Relax In A World Full Of Constant Distractions…

I don’t know about you but I’m always on the hunt for ways to decompress when the world becomes too much. It’s a constant struggle of wanting to be informed and proactive and also not losing my mind. Here’s how I’ve been decompressing and setting my self up for a healthier mindset and mental space.

Setting boundaries for myself…

I’ve learned that setting boundaries for myself are HUGE. I have this mantra called “Zen-life”. I used to take a lot of things to heart and I’d always wanted to help or fix people and their problems and it was starting to take its toll on me.

Shutting off my brain and my phone..

One of the main things I do to ease my anxiety is to not constantly be on my phone 24/7. Sometimes the constant stimulation is too much.
Whether it is news outlets, gossip blogs, or texts from friends and family, having access to people and vice versa is draining. If there are family members or friends who may ignite your anxiety, simply don’t respond. I’m serious.

If it’s not an emergency don’t respond. And if you respond keep it short and simple. If they’re asking for something from you i.e. a favor that they could do themselves and you’re just not in the mood, remember, no is a full sentence. It’s ok if they get angry.

Putting myself first, and having “zero” days..

Think of the emergency protocol on planes. You have to place the oxygen mask over your own face before assisting others. If this might be too extreme for you try just taking one day off where you have a break from your phone. That day for me is Sunday. I disconnect from the world and it gives me a chance to enjoy the entire day to do whatever I want.

You have to remember that a lot of the things that cause high anxiety in the moment are really miniscule in the grand scheme of things. Most things shouldn’t merit a reaction from you and trust me when I say it’s not worth it. But of course we’re human and things happen that will stress you out. So, some self-soothing techniques that help me calm down and really embrace the Zen-life are taking a nice warm shower, doing my skincare routine, lighting some candles, and some low lighting.

Remember it is your job to make you happy no one else’s.

About The Author: This post was written by Fenix, a 7 year Naturalista, beauty, skincare and wig lover. Read more of her posts here.

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