These Foods Will Give You Hydrated, Glowing Skin

Foods You Should Eat For Hydrated, Glowing Skin 1

I recently received my latest Amazon order, which included my MCT oil. This oil is made up of MCT fats, which are fats that can be found in coconut oil and other oils. I started thinking about the benefits certain foods have on the skin. Eating the right diet has helped me keep my skin hydrated and glowing.

Eat Foods High in Good Fat

Eating foods high in good fat can give you glowing skin. This can range from nuts, coconut oil, avocados, salmon. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids are great, I love supplementing with fish oils because it makes it easier to get that serving throughout the day. Omega-3 protect against free radicals and helps against sun damage. Avocado’s are great, because they are high in antioxidants and  keep the skin moist.

Eat Water Rich Veggies

Veggies high in water content like cucumber and celery can help increase moisture. This moisture leads to increased skin elasticity. These veggies are also high in nutrients and minerals which help protect and help rebuild the skin.