5 Beauty Benefits of Drinking More Water For Hair & Skin

5 Beauty Benefits of Drinking More Water For Hair & Skin - Claudia Glam One

Approximately 60% of our bodies are made up of water, we need water in all aspects of our lives, so how can drinking more water benefit us in the beauty department? There are many benefits to increasing your water intake, I have gather 5 amazing beauty related benefits.

Water Benefits For Skin

  • Clear Skin: Drinking plenty of water daily has been shown to increase the appearance of clear skin, it has also been linked to helping reduce and clearing breakouts.
  • Boosts your Metabolism: Studies show that people who drank 8-12 glasses of water a day burned more calories than those who drank 4 glasses.
  • Suppress Appetite: Drinking water throughout the day helps give you a fuller feeling as well as maintaining you hydrated. Often we mistake hunger with thirst and staying properly hydrated helps save on calories throughout the day, so we eat when we are actually hungry. It also helps control cravings.
  • Help with Belly Bloat: Drinking more water helps detox and flush out toxins from your body, as well as help with digestion.

As part of my fitness regimen I have always drank a lot of water through the day to replenish what I have lost through exercise and for its overall benefits. I’m so used to drinking a lot of water, I feel weird when I don’t, I love water.

Don’t like the taste of water? Infuse your water with fruit such as oranges, strawberries, blueberries. Adding lemon or mint to your water also can help make it tasty.

photo: Pixabay
photo: Pixabay

Blueberry Orange Water

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