Here’s What We Can Learn From Zendaya’s Affordable Skin Care Routine

Zendaya skin care routine black soap

Zendaya has gorgeous skin and last year she tweeted about her skin care routine. Everyone was shocked at how simple and affordable it was. I decided to look a little bit more into her routine and I see why she gets amazing results. She’s focusing on achieving maximum results with minimal effort by focusing on the most important steps, cleansing, toning, hydrating. I find this nighttime routine simple and we can learn from it. A short routine keeps you discipline, you’ll practice it day in and day out, even after a late night where you just want to use a makeup wipe and give up. Here’s what we should all take away from her skin care routine.

Keep it simple: Keeping your skin care routine short and simple is the best way maintain it everyday. A good skin care routine includes cleansing, toning and hydrating with a good moisturizer or oils (if you prefer). Zendaya’s routine is simple and only contains 3 steps. Is also very affordable.

Detoxify skin: Cleansing the skin will remove dirt, makeup and any other impurities. Cleaning the skin well will help you avoid breakouts and clogged pores. Use african black soap like Zendaya or your favorite cleanser.

Avoid acne with witch hazel: I switched to alcohol free toners the past year and have been enjoying the results. Alcohol toners strip away much needed moisture from your skin, leaving it dry. This dryness is not of any benefit to your skin and can make fine lines and wrinkles more visible. A toner with witch hazel is a good switch. Zendaya uses my favorite rose water witch hazel toner by Thayers.

Hydrate: Hydrating the skin is a must. A good serum or moisturizer will do the trick. Maintaining the skin hydrated will make it appear more youthful. Using oils high in antioxidants like vitamin e or rosehip oil can also keep your skin healthy and glowing.

Spot treat: Spot treat the skin. Whether is a small pimple scar or having areas of your skin dryer than others, you can spot treat this areas with oils and get better results.

Photo Credits: Instagram Zendaya

Zendaya’s 3 Step Nighttime Skin Care Routine:

Zendaya’s routine only involves a few components: African black soap, rose water plus witch hazel, and vitamin E oil.

African black soap: known for its ability to draw out impurities and detoxify the skin. This super affordable is also available in makeup removal wipes.

Rose water witch hazel: great for acne and removing any impurities you cleanser didn’t remove.

Vitamin e oil: this oil is full of antioxidants and free radicals. Perfect for diminishing the appearance of scars, it  also has natural anti-aging benefits. It can also be used for spot treatments.

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