Have You Tried Biotin & Fish Oil For Hair Growth? I’m Trying New Supplements

Biotin Fish oil for hair growth

I realized I need to put as much effort into taking care of my hair as I do on my skin. I usually just do a weekly wash with a deep conditioner and add some mixed hair oils like organic coconut or olive oil. I use a leave in, frizz products and a heat protectant. That’s it, nothing more, nothing less.

For the low effort I put on my hair and for how often I color it my hair is in pretty good condition. I’ve decided I want to make a conscious effort of improving the health of my hair as much as possible. I got to thinking about diet and how eating healthy and getting great nutrients can be beneficial to your skin, nails and hair and decided maybe I need to start from the inside out.

I did some research and decided to add some supplements into my diet. Back in my competition days I always took an a fish oil supplement and noticed I had not taken one in a while. I decided to add this back into my diet. Fish oil has many benefits for your body, so lets focus on the hair benefits only. I also added some Biotin gummies into my diet which is said to help increase hair growth and hair strength.

Biotin Fish oil for hair growth

Fish Oil:

  • Contain Omega-3 fats
  • Help Nourish the hair
  • Supports hair thickening
  • Reduces inflammation that can lead to hair loss
  • Boost luminosity, as well as resistance to breakage.

Nail and Hair Gummies:

  • Contains Vitamin C
  • Biotin
  • Includes 5 key nutrients (biotin, vitamin C, copper, zinc and beta carotene)
  • Beta carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, and
  • Zinc

Biotin (Vitamin B7 or H) is a B vitamin that can be found in small amounts in foods like eggs and nuts. A deficiency which is rare can cause hair loss, but there have not been any direct studies that conclude that consuming Biotin supplements will result in faster hair growth. It has been said by many reviews/consumers in the market that they have seen a difference in how fast their hair grows. Also it has been said that it can help with hair and nails but I was unable to find any confirmative research to back up these claims. It’s hard to say if Biotin works, or if it’s the direct link to these changes that people claim to experience. 

Have you tried Biotin or Fish oil for hair growth?

I will try these two supplements and report back on my thoughts and progress. 

Shop: www.Amazon.com 

Disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist so please always check with your doctor before trying out any supplements. Any questions you may have concerning your use of supplements should be directed to your healthcare professional.  The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician, dietitian or other health care professional.